New Delhi/Kolkata: Microfinance Institutions Network (MFIN) announced to re-elect Devesh Sachdev, Founder and CEO, Fusion Micro Finance, as the Chairperson and Vivek Tiwari, MD & CEO of Satya Microcredit Ltd as its Vice Chairperson at its 13th AGM on the 4th of July, 2022, says a press release.

On being re-elected, Devesh Sachdev said, “I am thankful to the fraternity for re-electing me as the Chairperson of MFIN. This will allow us to sustain the momentum that we have built over the last year and continue to pursue our objectives. The last year saw the fruition of our efforts in the release of RBI’s new regulatory framework. MFIN is also charting a new unified role and the Board’s contribution will be critical.”
As the re-elected Vice Chairperson, Vivek Tiwari said, “The deliberations at MFIN 13th AGM clearly showed that the times to come are both challenging and exciting. An efficient and agile Board will help the industry navigate these…