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These dismal ratings for the president on coronavirus were quite opposite to those for the economy – among people who thought the economy was the most important issue, 69 percent approved of the job the president was doing and only 25 percent disapproved.

Although this was good news for Trump, only a relatively small minority (17 percent) of voters gave the economy top billing as their most important issue.

Moreover, he could not rely on various other issues to improve his job approval rating – across all issues other than the pandemic, only 41 percent approved of the president’s performance compared with 50 percent who disapproved.

Probability of Voting for Trump by Importance of COVID-19 Issue

Graph 3: Probability of voting for Trump by importance of COVID-19 issue. with statistical controls for other issues, partisanship, ideology and demographics. Source: Cometrends October 2020 pre-election survey.
(Graph: The Conversation)

The third graph, above, shows clearly that if…

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