New Social Media, OTT Regulation Vests Excessive Authority With The Govt: Apar Gupta

Deploying AI to Monitor Social Media Content

“The other big change is government requiring social media to use automated tools like AI and machine learning for proactive filtering of content,” Gupta highlighted.

The news rules require social media to “deploy technology-based measures, including automated tools” to filter out objectionable content like child sexual abuse. However, as history has shown, such tools not only suffer from major accuracy problems but also can lead to function creep.

The problem with automated machine learning tools, Gupta explains is “that they’re broken. They don’t get context. Words and images have very different meanings in different contexts and this what AI is not open to get.”

“What is more concerning is new regulation has been brought in without any parliamentary debate for OTT platforms and digital news,” Gupta said.

The Code of Ethics have also been extended to digital news media. This appears to be problematic as the purview of…

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