Kapil Sharma and wife Ginni Chatrath welcomed a baby girl named Anayra Sharma on December 10, 2019. Since then she has been an apple of their eyes and time and again, the comedian shares cute moments of his baby girl. As September 27 is celebrated as Daughter’s Day, Kapil shared a few photos with Anayra on his social media pages. He also posted a lovely message for his baby girl and the moments are too cute to miss.
In the first photo, Kapil is seen wearing a grey tracksuit with a white cap. While Anayra looks adorable in a blue zipper jacket and blue jeans. A grey cap and blue shoes made her look cuter as ever. Anayra is also showing her loving smile while getting a kiss from her dad.
In the second photo, Anayra is showing her swag in a purple frock and a matching bandana with black & white sunglasses.
Kapil captioned the post stating, “Thank you for making our life…