The release last week of a music video by a four-year-old girl Esther Hnamte has taken the social media world by storm. Her powerful rendition of Maa Tujhe Salaam – Vande Mataram by AR Rahman had garnered over six lakh views by early Sunday evening. Not only is her performance mesmerising but the fact is that a pint-sized child from remote Lunglei – Mizoram’s second-biggest urban hub –
is belting out an Indian patriotic song seems to have come as a pleasant surprise for many Indian netizens. Within days, Esther was featured on several regional and national media channels.
Esther is a singing sensation who usually sings kid-friendly gospel songs. She is well-trained and well-promoted by her parents and other supporters. I have seen plenty of her music videos on YouTube and appreciated her rare talent. She is by all means a music prodigy who easily learns and…