Chief Minister M.K. Stalin launched a fully digitised single window portal 2.0, with more than 100 services from 24 departments for investors, at the Investment Conclave-2021 here on Tuesday. It will have features such as parallel processing of clearances, virtual meetings with departments, artificial intelligence-based chatbot facility and deemed approval for select clearances.
The Chief Minister exchanged copies of 35 memoranda of understanding with the representatives of various companies, entailing a cumulative investment of ₹17,141 crore and envisaging 55,054 jobs, in the presence of officials of the Department of Industries and Guidance Tamil Nadu, a government agency tasked with investment promotion.
“Our aim is to make Tamil Nadu a $1 trillion economy. And we will provide a conducive business environment,” he said.
The State’s finances, he pointed out, were not so good when the DMK entered office two months ago, but the economy was slowly recovering.
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