Pakistani Filmmaker Sarmad Sultan Khoosat on Creating Art Without Self Doubt, Fear

This idea that bravery is a supreme virtue almost glorifies the fight we have to put up just to survive. I would rather be naive and create art without having to be brave . I also feel, in Manto’s time, the enemies were clear and obvious. Now we have devolved to a point where we live in a shadowy world without knowing where the threat is coming from. The enemy is a phantom. Additionally, the commercialisation and commodification of popular art makes many of its exponents irresponsible towards what they are putting out. We are now also in the age of information warfare and conspiracy theories that propagate propaganda and intolerance.

At one point, I just wanted to end the conflict and put things straight by releasing Zindagi Tamasha on YouTube. My father in his own inimitable way comforted me by saying, “when people die, you must bury them and move on. This is just a film. We will consider it dead and move on.” His point was – you can’t hold on to negativity because it does…

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