Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the eighth installment of over Rs 20,000 crore to more than 9.5 crore farmers under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme on Friday (May 14) via video-conferencing.
Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar, who was present on the occasion, said West Bengal has joined the scheme with more than 7 lakh farmers of the state getting the benefit today. This May 14 payouts will be the first installment of PM Kisan for the financial year 2021-22.
PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, the government transfers Rs 6,000 a year to small and marginal farmers in their accounts. This financial assistance from the government to farmers comes in three instalments of Rs 2000. Under the scheme, the first instalment of Rs 2000 comes from April 1 to July 31, the second installment comes between August 1 and November 30 and the third installment from December 1 to March 31.
This annual financial support is given to farmers having combined…