Hindu Munnani founder Rama Gopalan, who had tested positive for COVID-19, died on Wednesday evening at a private hospital in Chennai. He was 94.
Born in 1927 at Sirkazhi, Mr. Gopalan joined the RSS in 1945. He founded the Hindu Munnani in 1980 under the guidance of the RSS.
Following the Meenakshipuram conversions in February 1981, in which around 200 Dalit families of the village converted to Islam as caste Hindus practiced untouchability, he tried to rally Hindus and prevent such conversions.
Protecting the religion
He had said that Hindu Munnani was formed to protect the religion from attacks by Islam, Christianity, Communism and those claiming to be rationalists.
He had also said that Hindus practicing untouchability and caste discrimination were causing damage to the religion.
In 1984, he escaped a bid on his life at the Madurai railway station. He was among those instrumental in…