Rare surgery saves diamond unit worker’s life

A rare surgery conducted on a 36-year-old man from Surat by doctors at a Mumbai hospital has put an end to severe breathing problems being faced by him for over eight years. In fact, these last two years have been particularly difficult as he had to move around with an oxygen cylinder.

When Bhaveshbhai Sabhadia approached Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital (Sir HNRFH) for treatment, he was unable to walk more than a few steps at a time, was not getting sleep in the night and had been on and off hospitalisation due to water accumulation in the abdomen region. He had been told that the only way to save his life was a heart and lung transplant. However, doctors at Reliance conducted a rare curative surgical procedure instead of a heart-lung transplant as suggested by international and Indian experts.

“The doctors evaluated his health condition and diagnosed him with chronic thrombus…

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