The first season of drama-thriller series ‘Ratched’ narrates a part of the infamous and fictional nurse’s life through the lens of Ryan Murphy. Does this portrayal hinder or help?
When the trailer for Ratched was released, it was obvious that it was in the Ryan Murphy universe and not just because the series had Sarah Paulson — who is an American Horror Story lead — centre stage. An unofficial prequel to One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’s Nurse Ratched, the show serves as Murphy’s version of the fictional and tyrannical nurse’s history.
Before you dive into Ratched, do give the 1975 Miloš Forman-directed film starring Jack Nicholson and Louise Williams (as the original Nurse Ratched) a watch. There is something about Ratched that has your skin crawling and everyone in her vicinity cowering, and has people wondering about her journey into the sadism we see in…