Scam Alert! DMart fake link doing rounds on WhatsApp, do not forward THIS message

Cyber scams are very common and the latest one doing rounds these days is the DMart fake link scam. DMart is a supermarket and on the occasion of its 20th anniversary, fake link messages claiming to give free gifts to customers are being forwarded on WhatsApp. 

On clicking the fake link, a webpage opens which has a ‘spin wheel’. The user is asked to spin the wheel in order to win gift cards up to Rs 10,000. As soon as you spin the wheel, another link with a ‘free gift’ will appear.    

The link asks the user to share the alleged ‘free gift’ contest with other friends in order to claim the prize. “Share with 5 groups/ 20 friends on WhatsApp”, the page reads. The user must keep sharing until the Blue bar on the screen is full. The Hyderabad police has warned that money will be deducted from your account once you click on this link. 

It is always advised to not click on unauthorized links or share them on social media platforms. The cybercrime cell of…

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