The Centre on Tuesday said that three mutant coronavirus strains first detected in other countries were found in India, and reiterated that appropriate Covid-19 protocol must be followed in light of an upsurge in new infections. The government, however, added that the rise in cases in a few states like Maharashtra and Kerala cannot be attributed to the new variants found in the country.
“There are 187 cases of the variant found in the United Kingdom, six of the South African strain, and one case of the Brazilian variant have been recorded,” NITI Aayog member (Health) VK Paul said during a media briefing on the coronavirus situation in the country. “This is based on the data…systematic from across the country…[engaging] 10 laboratories.”
Paul said the E484 K variant in Maharashtra, and the N440 K variant was reported from Maharashtra, Telangana, and Kerala. “These are the recent detections of these variants,” he said. “Reporting only detection does not…