Special episode on Netflix reveals the secret behind the zombies

The terrific South Korean web series Kingdom on Netflix ended on a cliffhanger. A special spin-off episode too concludes on an ambiguous note, leaving us wiser about the trigger for the events in Kingdom but also hungering for more.

Over 2019 and 2020, the two seasons of Kingdom explored the connections between a grab for the throne in ancient Korea and a zombie outbreak. The king of the land has become a zombie, and the reins of power have passed on to a powerful clan headed by a malevolent nobleman whose daughter is the king’s second wife. The king’s first-born son heads out into the countryside to look for answers, running smack into an escalating pandemic of the undead.

The sharply political series used its hordes of revivified souls to examine the manner in which despotic rulers cause hunger and deprivation among the populace, leading them to become monsters. The show benefitted from excellent production values, sharply written characters, enthralling action set…

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