State schools set for new education policy

VIJAYAWADA: The 10+2 education system will become history after the implementation of 5+3+3+4 education pattern under the new education policy (NEP) in Andhra Pradesh.

The state government gave approval to NEP last year and is to implement the new system from this academic year. There will be three types of institutions in the new education system-Pre Primary Schools (PP1 and PP2), Foundational Schools (PP1, PP2, Preparatory Class I, Classes 1 and 2) and Secondary Schools (Classes 3 to 10/12).


The government wanted NEP implementation and rolling out of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in a phased manner in Anganwadis and primary and upper primary schools and further transformation from the 10+2 academic structure to 5+3+3+4 structure.

Under the new set up, all existing Anganwadi centres will function as YSR Pre Primary Schools with PP1 and PP2. The existing primary schools will have Preparatory 1st class, Class I and Class II and will be called Foundational…

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