Taking lockdown photographs helped me connect with other people – even in silence

For many, the nationwide lockdown was a reminder of how lonely they were – or could be. The need for social connection had never felt this urgent before. Till March 24, 2020, we’d been busy with our jobs – commuting to and from work, surviving bumpy roads and crowded trains. What were we going to do now that we had to do everything at home? How many books could we read, how much Netflix could we consume, and how long would decluttering hold our attention?

For those who started to work from home, the days began to feel endless. Work seemed to have no set timings, and Zoom meetings could take place whenever the boss said so. For those like me who were looking for work, there was suddenly a void that felt large and ever expanding. If I couldn’t go to a café with my laptop, where would I work? Apart from work, how would I look at the same four walls, walk around the…

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