Team India fast bowler Bhuvneshwar Kumar’s father Kiran Pal Singh lost the battle against cancer on Thursday, May 20. Mr. Singh, who was a sub-inspector in Uttar Pradesh Police was battling liver cancer.
Aged 63, Mr. Singh passed away at his Meerut residence. He underwent chemotherapy at the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) in Delhi after consultation with specialists in the UK. After the therapy, he started recovering but he was admitted to a private hospital in his hometown, Meerut after his health started deteriorating a couple of weeks ago.
Mr. Singh was discharged two days ago, but couldn’t last long as he took his last breath on Thursday at his home.
According to reports, Bhuvi‘s father was diagnosed with liver cancer in September last year when the pacer was in the UAE for the IPL playing fir Sunrisers Hyderabad. However, his injury just in the fourth game meant he had to return home and recover at the NCA due to a hip injury.