Hyderabad: The Central government has selected Telangana state and Rajasthan for the dry run of Covid-19 vaccine once it was approved to be safe by the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI). In the process, the two states will also conduct trials of Covid-19 Vaccine Intelligence Network. The online training for the staff will start on December 3.
Healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, paramedical staff, hospital administration staff and others, are in the first list for the administration of Covid-19 vaccine.
District medical and health officials in the health department are collating data for the vaccination regime and have asked nursing homes, private and government hospitals to give them the details of their staff.
The dry run of cold chain set-up is being carried out at the primary healthcare centre at Abids. The cold chain has to maintain the two-dose vaccination regime of Day 0 and Day 28.
The Central team will also look at data and logistical support…