The Uttar Pradesh Police on Thursday arrested a temple priest, the main accused in connection with the gangrape and murder of an Anganwadi worker in Budaun district on January 3, News18 reported.
The priest, identified as Satya Narayan, was hiding in a follower’s house in a nearby village in the district, District Magistrate Kumar Prashant said.
Four teams had been formed to arrest the priest, according to PTI. The accused was questioned by the police throughout the night. The police said that he will be sent for a medical examination and produced before a local court.
Three men in Budaun district had allegedly raped and murdered the woman on Sunday. Two of the accused were arrested on Tuesday, while the priest was on the run. The station house officer of Ughaiti police station was suspended for laxity after a preliminary inquiry found he was negligent in handling the case.
Though the incident took place on Sunday night after she went to a local temple, a first…