The first look of Tamil actor Kamal Haasan’s forthcoming action film Vikram has been released. On Saturday, he posted a poster for the much-anticipated film to his Twitter account. The black and white poster has “Code: Red” scribbled on it and the actors` faces marked with scars.
Haasan wrote beside the poster, “Only valour should wear the crown. I dare again to render before you the best of our talents. Like before, grant us victory!! Vikram #Arambichitom @RKFI @Dir_Lokesh @VijaySethuOffl #FahadFaasil @anirudhofficial.”
“Only valour should wear the crown “ I dare again to render before you the best of our talents. Like before, grant us victory!! Vikram ….விக்ரம்#Arambichitom @RKFI@Dir_Lokesh @VijaySethuOffl #FahadFaasil @anirudhofficial
— Kamal Haasan (@ikamalhaasan) July 10, 2021
Directed and written by “Master” storyteller Lokesh Kanagaraj, the music of “Vikram” will be composed by Anirudh Ravichander.