The First US Presidential Debate Was Pure Chaos. Here’s What Our Experts Thought

In the past, few have questioned certified presidential election results — even in 2000 (and other years) when the popular vote and Electoral College result conflicted.

Trump has turned that on its head.

Perhaps predictably, Biden took the high road: urging people to vote, downplaying concerns about fraud and pledging to accept the result, whatever it may be.

Biden made clear that voting by mail is nothing new, dating back the . (Indeed, overseas voters have used the successfully for decades.)

Trump, on the other hand, raised his grievances about the “crooked” 2016 election, before turning to his .

As is so often the case, Trump’s comments mangled relating to mail-in voting and jumbled it with a lot of speculation and confusion about ballots in creeks or wastepaper baskets.

In 2020, with a host of first-time vote-by-mail voters, this rate could be higher and even exceed the vote…

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