The Story of Bhandara Civil Hospital Fire

Charred Beyond Recognition, DNA Tests Confirmed Their Children Died

“I heard about my daughter’s news around 4:00 am when I was home. I asked them what was so urgent, they said they cannot tell me anything and that I must come to the government hospital immediately. I went there and saw that many people were there. I asked a couple of people at the site about what happened, they said that there was a fire in the ICU. I was shocked, ” he said.

While Behere speaks to the media, sitting next to him on his chair is his wife, Geeta. When the camera pans towards her, she is visibly overwhelmed and unable, unwilling to speak.

Behre moves his hand to his chest as he continues, “I kept telling people that my daughter was in the ICU. Then I asked here and there and everywhere about my daughter. No one told me anything. After sometime, they told us at around 5:30 pm that it was all over. We both feel helpless, she was my only daughter, she was my first child.”

The hospital was flooded with the…

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