This is the reason why we celebrate Rose Day on February 7

Valentine’s Week is here! As lovebirds and couples set forth to celebrate their romance and love, the festivities have begun with the Rose Day. The first day of Valentine’s Week is all about beautiful roses. Celebrated on February 7 every year, Rose Day heralds the week ahead filled with gifts and romance.

Among all the flowers, roses have traditionally been associated with love. It is prevalent in pop culture to showcase the love for a partner or lover through roses, be it in films, books, and public consciousness. The beautiful flower is an embodiment of love and beauty. It is therefore apt that the week of romance begins with the Rose Day.

It is said that the Victorians used to participate in this particular act of exchanging and gifting roses as a token of love to show their feelings for each other. Roses became an instrument to define all that love and passion would entail. Some say that this culture goes way back in history. Famous historical couple Antony and…

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