Thousands Take to Streets For 3rd Consecutive Night to Protest Against Poland’s Abortion Law

Protestors took over the streets of Warsaw, Gdansk and other Polish cities for the third night on Friday, days after Poland’s near-total abortion ban came into effect.

People took to the streets in protest of the abortion ban regulated by the government. They were heard raising pro-slogans like, “Hey, hey, hey, abortion is ok,” and “Liberty, Equality, abortion on demand.” and multiple anti-government chants were also raised.

Taking inspiration from the Argentina protests where recently abortion was legalised through to the 14th week of pregnancy, some protestors were also witnessed adorning green bandanas.

However, Warsaw witnessed the maximum outrage whereby authorities were found blocking the paths of the protestors and in most cases redirecting them. As per reports tear gas was also fired at them to curb their voices.

Also read: Donald Trump’s Campaign is Selling ‘Baby Lives Matter’ Onesies to Support Anti-Abortion Movement

In October, the nation’s Constitutional Court…
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