Following the death of a stuntman who was electrocuted during the shoot of a Kannada film in Jogenahalli near Bidadi on August 9, the police on Tuesday arrested the director, stuntmaster and crane operator. They have been charged for causing death due to negligence. The victim, Vivek, 35, was working on the set of the film ‘Love You Rachchu’, starring Ajay Rao and Rachita Ram.
“Five people have been booked. We have arrested stuntmaster Vinod Kumar, director Shankar Idigar, and crane operator Mahadev. We are on the lookout for the producer, Guru Deshpande who was not present when the incident took place, and the unit incharge, Fernandes, who was on the set but is absconding,” said a senior police officer, adding that they visited the spot and conducted an inspection.
The stunt crew were shooting a fight sequence with cranes and a metal rope at a private resort. During the sequence, Vivek came in contact with a high tension wire and was electrocuted on the spot. Two others…