Trump Selects Amy Barrett to Replace RBG, Biden Supporters Protest

South Asians For Biden reacted to the nomination with concern.

“With Americans across this country already casting ballots, it is profoundly inconsistent with the values of a democracy for the President to attempt to fill this seat before the election, and disregarding the will of the voters,” said Neha Dewan, National Director of South Asians for Biden. “Forcing through this nomination now, on the eve of the most important election in our lifetimes, will deeply tarnish the Supreme Court’s legitimacy and its historic role as a nonpartisan arbiter of justice for all Americans.”

The Biden supporters’ group also noted the lasting effects this could have on the administration of justice by the court, which is supposed to be non-partisan. In 2016, the Republicans refused to allow then-POTUS Barack Obama’s nominee to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, claiming this shouldn’t be done…

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