Alluding to the penetration of Facebook and WhatsApp in India and the amount of hate speech and misinformation on the platform, Kodali added that the measures taken by Facebook are also not enough “given the rate at which the manipulated content is being generated by IT cell and the rate at which it is being classified them as manipulated media”.
Platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter have been long criticised for not taking adequate action against the content on the platform which has not just led to polarisation, hate speech, lynchings, but even genocide in Myanmar.
Users on Facebook have been exposed to these labels and fact-checks through the platform’s 3PFC program, of which The Quint’s WebQoof is a part, but a study by the researchers at Harvard, Yale, MIT, and the University of Regina suggested that the warning labels could actually backfire by making the unlabelled content seem accurate. They called it the “implied truth effect.”
David Rand, an associate…