Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on Friday said that face mask is the only shield in the fight against the coronavirus as the state battles a recent spurt in daily cases, reported PTI.
Thackeray made the comments speaking at the Shivneri fort in Pune district as he paid his homage to Shivaji Bhonsale on his birth anniversary.
“Shivaji Maharaj fought several battles and established ‘swaraj’…. There is no need to tell how he fought the opponents,” Thackeray said. “No such battles are being fought now, and there are no swords and shields. But right now we are fighting a battle against the coronavirus and face mask is the only shield in the fight.”
He also attended several other programmes, including the “cradle ceremony”, at the fort. Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar was also present at the event. In view of the coronavirus pandemic, the district administration had asked people not to gather at the Shivneri fort to celebrate the Shivaji’s birth…