Using a dubious voice vote to pass critical farm bills severely dents Indian democracy

Sunday saw chaos in the Rajya Sabha as the three critical bills on the agricultural sector were up for vote.

The scope of the legislation is vast, opening up India’s tightly-regulated farming sector as well as agricultural marketing to free market forces. Supporters of the move have called it a “1991 moment” – referring to the moment many regulations on private industry were abolished by Prime Minister Naramsimha Rao. Critics, however, have argued that these new agricultural policies will lead to farmers losing out on guaranteed purchase prices for their crops, to the benefit of large corporations.

Whichever side of the fence one chooses, there is no denying that the legislations are very important for crores of India’s farmers.

In that light, how two of the bills were passed in the Rajya Sabha on Sunday was deeply problematic. The third bill is also scheduled to be…

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