Webinar on Sustainable Mobility and State Budget: Accelerating EV Adoption in Karnataka


oi-Vicky Nanjappa


Bengaluru, Mar 02: Electric Vehicles (EVs) are the new wave of transportation that promise to be the future of sustainable mobility. They are increasingly becoming the more popular choice of transport around the world due to their many advantages, including low fuel costs, reduced emissions, lower maintenance, and eco- friendliness.

Karnataka is set to make great strides in building an EV ecosystem. To this end, the Resurgent India Trust conducted a webinar which explored how the government can promote sustainable mobility solutions that will help Karnataka thrive in cleaner, greener ways. It brought together a diverse set of experts who identified key themes and challenges of EV mobility in Karnataka. The webinar participants examined and discussed innovative solutions to address these challenges and propose policy interventions required to make EVs a reality.

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