What new age brides look for in bridal outfit

Lockdown may have forced the Big Fat Indian Wedding to become a leaner affair but a bride`s approach to fashion is more discerning than ever. Of course there will always be a feeling of tradition when it comes to bridal fashion, but brides also want their dress to feel special, unique and something that speaks of them- good bridal fashion always marries tradition with modernity.

Over the last month or so designers from Tarun Tahiliani to Gaurav Gupta unveiled their new bridal collections via the digital medium. Designed at a time when we were learning how to co-exist with Covid-19, and after the time when the forced pause caused an upheaval wherein many socio-political issues came to the surface.

Message in a bridal outfit

Fashion has always been driven by politics and social issues, but of late, consumption seems to have forced it to forget its voice. The pandemic is…

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