Amid the second wave of COVID-19 in India, a sudden rise in Black Fungus cases have been reported from several parts of the country. Meanwhile, a couple of days ago, cases of White Fungus were reported from Patna, Bihar, which was considered more dangerous than Black Fungus.
Dr Honey Savla, Internal Medicine, Wockhardt Hospital explains what Black and White Fungus are, their symptoms and treatment below. Take a look.
What is Black Fungus?
Black fungus is called Mucormycosis. It’s a rare fungal infection caused due to exposure to mucor mould which is present in the environment. One may also catch it when the fungus “enters the skin through a cut, burn, or other types of skin trauma.”
Symptoms of Black Fungus
– Watery eyes
– Pain in the eyes
– Severe headache
– Discoloration or blackening of tissue on nose and cheeks
– Congestion in the nose
– Loss or blurred vision
– Toothache
– Swelling in eyes or cheeks
– Bleeding from the nose
How is Black…