Neena Gupta tied the knot with Vivek Mehra back in 2008. He is chartered accountant by profession and they got married after a courtship of about a decade. Neena until then raised her daughter and fashion designer, Masaba Gupta, as a single mother. Talking about her marriage, the couple has been juggling between Mumbai and Delhi as they are balancing with their work too. Now, during an interaction with The Times of India, Neena Gupta spoke about Masaba’s reaction to her wedding with Vivek.
The Mulk actor stated, “Frankly, I didn’t have to tell her. Vivek and I were going around for eight to 10 years; he used to come down to my house in Mumbai and I often used to go to Delhi. But yes, precisely speaking, when I told Masaba that I want to get married, she wanted to know why. I told her that marriage is important if you have to live in this society else you don’t get…