India’s wholesale prices stayed in deflationary mode for the sixth month in a row this September, albeit only fractionally with inflation at -0.26% compared to -0.52% in August, according to government data released on October 16.
India’s wholesale prices stayed in deflationary mode for the sixth month in a row this September, albeit only fractionally with inflation at -0.26% compared to -0.52% in August, according to government data released on October 16.
Price rises in primary articles and food items have eased to 3.7% and 1.5%, respectively, even as the decline in fuel and power costs and manufactured products’ prices almost halved from August to -3.35% and -1.34%, respectively.
The WPI-based inflation rate has been in the negative since April and was (-)0.52% in August. In September last year, it was 10.55%.
Inflation in food articles eased to 3.35% in September, after remaining in double digits in the previous two months. It was 10.60%…