Why is DRDO’s latest laser-guided anti-tank missile more than special for Indian Army

The country is moving fast in defence sector under AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan. Under this, DRDO has now achieved great success by successfully testing the laser-guided anti-tank missile. The test was fired conducted from the MBT Arjun tank in Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. During this test, the anti-tank missile successfully destroyed the target at a distance of three kilometers. This anti-tank guided missile is precisely aimed at its target, guided by a laser.

Destroyed the target at three kilometers

According to DRDO it has been developed with multiple-platform launch capability and is currently being technically evaluated by firing from a gun mounted in MBT Arjun. The missile has been successfully tested at the Armored Corps Center and School in Ahmednagar. The tests conducted revealed that missiles fired from the MBT Arjun tank successfully destroyed the target for…

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