‘Why man-made, not human-made?’ questions young girl in viral video

Our language is rooted in gender and how the society sees it. Many people do not consider how everyday matters in speech can emphasise stereotypical gender roles and deter gender equality. The language that people use often upholds outdated patriarchal values and promote misogyny and sexism.

Pointing that out, a video discussing this form of everyday sexism has gone viral, in which a young girl is asking some pertinent questions about gender and language.

Shared by many people including media professionals and activists, the video shows a young girl questioning her mother about why the word ‘man’ is used while referring to all human beings instead of ‘human’. This raises the important matter on why language attributes such an importance to one gender over everyone else.

In the viral video, the young girl asked her mother why her books referred to things that were not natural as ‘man-made’ and not ‘people-made’ and if women were not allowed to build things.

“Why is…

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