Why Poor Female Students Are Worst-Hit By Dip in Education Budget

Girls Worst-hit by Budget Slash?

National scheme for incentive to girls for secondary education helped in improving the enrolment rates across India. However, the cut in the funds for this scheme will directly impact the girls from disadvantaged backgrounds and rural areas, who were the direct beneficiaries of the scheme.

A study by UNFPA also showed that schemes involving conditional cash transfers help reduce discrimination against the girls as it helps parents view their daughters as ‘less of a burden’.

Another area that received little to no attention was the digital infrastructure. With the surge in COVID-19 cases, most of the traditional classrooms shifted to online classrooms. Power cuts, poor internet connectivity, and lack of smartphones/laptops/computers were common concerns in multiple government schools, especially in rural areas.

Girls deprived of education will have to face the long-term consequences. Having a secondary or higher education helps in:

  • Developing skills…
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