You must have heard a lot about poisonous snake, but do you know about the most expensive and poisonous frog in the world? You will be surprised to know the price of this frog. The name of this frog species is Poison Dart Frog and it is known worldwide for its poison.
It is said that poison of a frog of this species (Poison Dart Frog) can kill 10 people. This is why this frog is smuggled in a big way across the world.
The price of this frog will suprise you
Everyone gets surprised after knowing the price of Poison Dart Frog. A frog of this species costs around Rs 1.50 lakh in the international market. Frogs of this species are black, yellow, orange, bright green and blue.
Size of Poison Dart Frog
These frogs are up to 6 cm in size and they weigh up to 30 grams. The poison of one frog is enough to kill 10 people.
Male frogs take care of eggs
Poison dart frog are found in the forests of Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Panama, Guyana, and Hawaii….