Write nonsense, let sentences make sense of your life

Sometimes it’s ok to start writing without a plan. Without knowing for sure if these strings of words will amount to something. Sometimes it’s ok to let your pen dance on paper freestyle. No form. No agenda. Just your thoughts as they spring up – in ones, twos and trillions.


We are to have a trillionaire among us. Strange, knowing there is a man worth so many zeroes.


Crows! The crows have been regular visitors. They come whizzing onto the adjacent terrace the moment I open the balcony door. And call out to their mates while I fetch biscuits for them.


I have been trying to write for the past many days but nothing seems to strike my mind. Perhaps a terrace session might help. The sky has an uncanny effect of unclogging the blocks in my brain pipe.


Of all the saws I ever saw I never saw a saw like the saw I saw in Warsaw.


Dot i’s.


Cross t’s.


Write nonsense.


Botch up spellings.


Let your mind be ok with the idea of imperfection. No first draft ever…

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