Yes, Disha Ravi and other young climate activists have a toolkit – and it may just save the planet

The unfolding climate crisis is the result of an unprecedented alteration of our planet’s atmosphere driven by human activity. Scientific models predict that under current carbon emission trajectories, our planet is on track to witness widespread decimation of ecosystems and cultures, alongside a radical reorganisation of life on earth. This knowledge is the basis for multiple international treaties to limit the pace of climate change, to which India is a signatory.

While the culpability for the current climate crisis lies predominantly with industrialised nations of the west, India and other South Asian nations are poised to face outsized climate change impacts. As per the Global Climate Index 2021, India is among the top ten most climate impacted countries of 2019, along with nations such as Mozambique and Afghanistan. As a regional power, India bears a responsibility in leading the charge in reducing carbon emissions.

Yet, an even more pressing responsibility, given…

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