Popular messaging app WhatsApp has updated its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, and made it mandatory for its users to accept the new terms. The users may be required to delete their account, if they do not accept them.
WhatsApp will put into effect the updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy on February 8.
WhatsApp users are required to accept the terms and policies by then. These updates are applicable to all the services provided WhatsApp, unless it is specified that it is not the case.
WhatsApp keeps a lot of information under the Automatically Collected Information header. It further divides it into four sub-heads, which are Location Information, Device and Connection Information, Usage and Log Information, and Cookies. It implies that the activities of the users related to them are under the watch of the company.
“We collect information about your activity on our Services, like service-related, diagnostic, and performance information. This includes…