10 Common Signs You Might be Dating a Narcissist

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Are you looking for signs you might be dating a narcissist?

Narcissism is a term that gets thrown around easily these days, often to indicate some fairly run-of-the-mill personality traits like selfishness and vanity. While these aren’t typically attractive to most of us, they aren’t reason enough to suspect the person you are dating is a narcissist! 

However, if you’ve landed here on this post, chances are that you have started to question if you might be dating a narcissist. While this post isn’t intended to diagnose anyone with official narcissistic personality disorder (only a trained mental health professional can do that!) we can share some of the common signs that you might be dating a narcissist, and you can use this information to decide your next move.

We are not mental health professionals here at Two Drifters. This is intended as a relationship guide, not a diagnostic…

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