23 Questions To Ask Yourself Post-Quarantine — Marriage365®

I believe that this year has given each of us the unique, personalized, and very intimate experience of “self-reflection”…

…more than probably any other year has. We’ve been asked to be flexible, adaptable, patient, strong, wise, careful, and to shift our focus from ourselves to others around us. This global experience has hit each of us differently- it’s true, we aren’t all in the same boat, but we have all been in the same ocean. Some of us have been sinking, some of us have realized we have much more potential than we ever realized, some of us have been hit with wave after wave, and some of us have been safe from the storm, but have felt our boat rock as we’ve watched this all unfold. We are each in a unique and different phase of re-opening, but each one of us has a truth that we are holding onto as we’ve taken steps toward the light at the end of the tunnel. My question to…

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