25 237 Students Graduated From IITs During Academic Year 2022 23 Says Minister

The Government has approved the establishment of research parks at various IITs, namely Madras, Bombay, Kharagpur, Kanpur, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, and IISc Bangalore. These parks aim to enhance the research environment in the country.

Today, the minister of state in the Ministry of Education, Subhas Sarkar, informed the Parliament that a total of 25,237 students graduated from the IITs during the academic year 2022-23. The response was made when MP Dhal Singh Bisen inquired about the number of IIT students who have pursued education abroad in the past five years.

In response, Sarkar explained that they have introduced the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship scheme, offering an attractive fellowship of up to a maximum of £55 lakh per scholar (including annual research grant) over five years. This initiative aims to support selected students in pursuing their Ph.D. in Indian institutions, with the intention of retaining talent within the country.

The Government,…

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