6 Contacts To Call In Case Of A Home Repair And Maintenance Emergency » Residence Style

As homeowners, cleaning our homes and paying the bills are not our only responsibilities. We also must keep our house in tip-top shape. And merely cleaning our homes every once in a while is not enough to maintain it. 

There are times when our homes will need some regular maintenance and repair. Do you choose to do everything on your own? Or do you call in a professional and let them take care of the problem? Your home is a place to live a good life. It’s where you do all sorts of things, like spend time with family, entertain guests, and sleep well at night. But when something is out of place – a countertop or sink that needs fixing, for example – it can be stressful and cause additional problems for your personal or professional life. All it takes is one phone call to get your situation taken care of!

There are projects you can do yourself, while others require the expertise of a professional. But who do you call in times of trouble? Here are six contacts to keep in your…

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