6 Encounters not to be Missed Out in 2022

India is known for its incredible experiences, and when it comes to bizarre things, there is no chance that the country will disappoint you. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari and far across to Changlang and Kutch, you get myriad encounters that may astound you for a while. If you are among those who wish to explore unique places, continue reading to know the weird places in India worth finagling a stop by to swirl your brain and evaluate the stereotype behind the existence!

6 Weird Places in India

Whether you are looking for fabricated places or wish to witness a natural bizarre, here are the weird places in India that may surprise you with their adventures.

1. Toilet Museum New Delhi

Image Courtsey: Sulabh Toilet Museum

The Toilet Museum features rare collections detailing the historic evolution of toilets after 2500 BC and how they changed to the present day. Apart from providing a chronological account of developments in regard to technology, it also purveys toilet-related social…

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