A Mechanical Eye: A Virtual Art Exhibition

Gallery Art Exposure presents a solo exhibition of recent works of artist Viraag Desai, titled ‘A Mechanical Eye, Studies of Lattice and Light. This art show will be live from 11th September- 30th October 2020. 

If there is one thing that this pandemic- induced lockdown has taught us all, it is that everything is connected. ‘A Mechanical Eye’ is an artist’s adjustment to the new creative. Using his technique of collage/ decollage and watercolor Illustrations, he repurposes technology to bring a connection between the times we lived in, recently, and the times we live in now. He uses the new technology of photogrammetry and 3-D scanning to blur lines between digital and analog. 

The Kolkata and Mumbai based artist Viraag Desai employs his multidisciplinary experience of working as a sound and set designer, to create mix-media collages and an immersive installation that reveal…

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