Addressing Asthma With Ayurveda | Naturopathy And Holistic Healthcare Centre

Asthma makes it difficult for a person to breathe. It affects the daily life of a person negatively. A person suffering from asthma shows symptoms like:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Tightening in chest
  • Difficulty in the lungs

The severity of asthma attacks may differ from person to person. Exercise, allergens, irritants, and viral infections lead to frequent asthma attacks. Having parents or siblings with asthma is not a good sign for us. Our chances of becoming prone to asthma increases. Moreover, there are many other factors contributing to the cause of asthma, including:



Pollen from trees, grass, dust found in houses and feathers of animals.



Cold air, changes in weather, air pollutants, cigarette smoke. Also, chemical fumes, paints, odor from cooking, and scented products.



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