Anger can be an opportunity, not an obstacle — Marriage365®

Anger doesn’t have to be negative, but oftentimes we allow it to be so.

At the heart of anger there is a rallying cry inside of us that is screaming “THIS IS UNFAIR”, and instead of channeling it into positive action, we channel it into a negative ball of energy that reinforces our negative self-talk… that life is unfair toward us and that we can’t have something we feel like we should.

Anger can be an opportunity to recognize that something isn’t working and can create a pathway for positive change. The difference is your perspective. If something your spouse is doing (or not doing) triggers anger inside of you, instead of storing that anger and putting a mask over it, why not latch onto the realization that something isn’t working and sit down to work it out together? There is so much in the marriage-argument arena that could be avoided if we would simply choose to see…

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