Balinese Massage: Technique or Religious Experience?

I recently went on my first Bali holiday and, I’m not going to lie, was pretty excited about the idea of getting a massage every day for about the same price as I’d pay for my cup of coffee back home. Ok, I may be exaggerating a little, but only slightly. Sure, everybody knows about Bali’s beaches but I’d also heard from family and friends just how cheap the massages and spa treatments are in Bali so they were at the top of my list. Boy was I ready to be pampered. I wasn’t, however, expecting to be converted to the church of the latter day Balinese massage.

I thought I’d play it safe and start out with the onsite day spa at the resort before venturing out to discover what the massage parlours on the street had to offer. I’d heard stories. So upon check-in, I scheduled a massage between my post-buffet breakfast nap and lining up for the lunch buffet. Priorities people. The delicate…

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